Friday, November 21, 2014

Thing #18

I have had Facebook for about five years. Obviously we all consider Facebook a great way to keep in touch with people who live far away and reunite, in a manner of speaking, with those we have lost touch with years ago. I'm able to keep up with relatives I haven't seen since I was a kid and I have stumbled across a couple of childhood friends which has been wonderful. It's a bit of a joke that no one will go to high school reunion anymore because we all have Facebook and we know who got fat. Ha! Thankfully over the past five years I have been smart and I know for a fact that anything I have put on Facebook would not question my integrity as a prospective educator. A couple of teachers I work with have created Facebook pages primarily for their students. It's a great way to post reminders about homework and any links that may be of interest to them. It's also fun to share photos of recent school events where students could also tag themselves if they so desire. As far as simply photo sharing, Instagram is a great one as well since that is a very popular app most people have on their smartphone. I signed up for Twitter several months ago and truth be told I never really got into it. I already had Facebook and, frankly, I wasn't in the mood to keep up with another social media account. My handle on Twitter is @bjcaulfield82, and you will find there's not much there. I thought I would sign up a while back to see what all the fuss is about, and I reckoned it would have been fun to follow various celebrities I'm a fan of. At the end of the day though it just seems to be another social networking sight to keep up with. On occasion it would be a good thing to use if you want to keep followers up to date in real time, and I've see Twitter used just for that. For my future classroom I see myself more using Facebook and Instagram than I would Twitter.

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